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Churchill Online Learning

Churchill Online Learning Academy (COLA)

It is the intention of these guidelines to define, integrate, and implement online education as a mode of distance education for Churchill County students.

This document is based on the Nevada Department of Education (NDE) guidelines for distance education, procedures developed by Churchill County School District Distance Education Team, Churchill County School District Distance Education Plan submitted to the Nevada Department of Education, and the needs of Churchill County students in grades 6-12. The Churchill County School District (ChurchillCSD) will utilize only those distance education classes approved and authorized by the NDE. 

The Churchill Online Learning Academy (COLA) provides an alternative educational setting for students in grades 6-12 who have requested alternative placement, are at risk for drop-out, or have extenuating circumstances that prevent them from attending traditional (brick and mortar) classes. (i.e. health issues that prevent the student from attending school, discipline (expulsion), or self supporting, etc.). Students in the Churchill Online Learning Academy (COLA) are enrolled in their respective ChurchillCSD school (middle or high school), but he/she will receive instruction via the  internet with appropriate support through meaningful two-way communication and assistance with the online learning teacher.

Not all students are successful in online learning or computer-based courses. Students who typically have success read at grade level, work well independently, work well with technology, are self-motivated, and have support at home to be successful. If a student is lacking in these areas, online learning or computer-based instruction may not be the best fit for the student's academic needs.

Students that are in special programs (Special Education, English Language Learners, Section 504, and/or Homebound) must be approved by the Inclusive Services Coordinator. This placement may be considered a change of educational placement which could require an IEP meeting or IEP Revision agreed upon by the team.

The Churchill Online Learning Academy (COLA) is for students enrolled in ChurchillCSD. Home-schooled students are not eligible to enroll in or attend a program of online education offered by a Nevada school district. Students currently enrolled in other states or in other Nevada school districts will not be allowed to enroll in ChurchillCSD online learning.

Students seeking enrollment in the Churchill Online Learning Academy (COLA) must complete the application form as established by the district.  Any student seeking entrance into the Churchill Online Learning Academy (COLA) after the first day of each term will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Please see the handbook for more information under the "Quick Links" tab below.