Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) is a data-driven, problem-solving framework CCSD uses to help ensure meeting Goal #2 in our District Strategic Plan for all students. Goal #2 states that we will develop the whole child through intentional opportunities that lead to engaged citizens. Using the MTSS as the framework for Goal #2 helps to improve outcomes for all students. MTSS relies on a continuum of evidence-based practices and supports matched to student needs.
Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) is an aspect of the MTSS framework centered on social behavior that will help us achieve CCSD District Strategic Plan Goal #2 objectives: Objective 1: Increase implementation of effective structures and programs necessary to ensure 100% engaged citizenship. Objective 2: Implement and enforce consistent and equitable positive and negative consequences to ensure positive behaviors/engagement by utilizing PBIS in all buildings.
Churchill County School District schools uses the PBIS model as a way to align to academic, behavioral, and social/emotional supports to improve education for all students.
PBIS is a 3 Tiered system of supports:
- Tier 1: supports serve as the universal foundation for behavior and academics for all students. For most or 80% or greater of students, the Tier 1 foundation gives them what they need to be successful and to prevent future problems. Some students require additional small group supports that go beyond the Tier 1 foundation.
- Tier 2: schools at this level are working to design interventions and supports for groups of students with similar targeted needs. Providing support to a group of students provides more opportunities for practice and feedback while keeping the intervention maximally efficient. Students are screened to identify whether they need this level of support and what specific skills need to be addressed with the intervention or support. Tier 2 interventions and supports help students develop the skills they need to benefit from core programs at the school.
- Tier 3: schools at this level (no schools in CCSD are currently at this Tier), they would provide the most intensive individualized supports for students. At this level, schools typically rely on formal assessments to determine a student’s need and to develop an individualized support plan. Student plans often include goals related to both academics as well as behavior support ( Instructional Consultation Academic Teams (ICAT) and Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention System (LLI) are examples of a supports/interventions under the CCSD District Strategic Plan Goal #2 MTSS framework for struggling learners. ICAT and LLI are used to help ensure achievement of the District Strategic Plan Goal #1 to implement learning opportunities to develop life ready learners and Goal #2.
Goal #1 Objective 2: Establish and implement a high impact instructional and professional practices framework │ (What learning looks/sound like) Goal #1 Objective 3: By August 2022, build multiple pathways for learning including, but not limited to, schedules, models, programs, and systems to support consistent growth toward on-time graduation. │ (Ways to learn customized for learners) Goal #2 Objective 1: By May 2021, increase implementation of effective structures and programs necessary to ensure 100% engaged citizenship.
Instructional Consultation Teams provide a way for schools to enhance, improve, and/or increase student and staff performance. Each school that utilizes ICAT has developed a systematic support network within the building with the purpose of enhancing teachers skills in and application of best practices of instructional assessment and delivery. These schools have developed school-wide norms of collaboration and problems solving. They continue to utilize data for classroom and school decision making. In so doing, they are able to provide teachers with the support and tools needed to help struggling learners. According to Fountas and Pinnell, LLI is an intensive, small-group, supplementary literacy intervention for students who find reading and writing difficult. The goal of LLI is to lift the literacy achievement of students who are not achieving grade-level expectations in reading (ICAT).
One of the most important District Strategic Plan Goal #2 MTSS system of support is the CCSD English Language Learner program in all schools throughout the district. This program is designed to provide academic and other needed supports for all ELL students to help ensure student success.
In using MTSS framework within the CCSD District Strategic Plan, CCSD will help develop a district full of staff and students that are critical thinkers, inspired innovators, collaborative learners, effective communicators, global citizens, and lifelong learners.
View Churchill CSD MTSS and PBIS Slides