Churchill County School District, in connection with Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, is committed and obligated to identify, locate and evaluate all children with disabilities (Birth through 21) within Churchill County that attend private schools, preschools and homeschools.
Birth to age 2 years 9 months:
Parents can contact Nevada Early Intervention Services (NEIS) for support for their child. The district office of Inclusive Services can assist you with this referral if needed, please call: (775) 423-5187
Ages 2 Years 9 months to age 5:
The district has a year round schedule for disability screening. Parents can contact the Churchill County School District at (775) 423-5187 for a screening.
School Age Children:
Children that attend Churchill County Schools are screened for possible disabilities through the Multi-Tiered System of support for academics and behavioral needs as well as universal screening for adaptive skills, communication skills, vision and hearing needs, and motor skills. If there are concerns related to this universal screening, parents will be contacted to discuss the child’s needs.
Children not attending Churchill County School District Schools:
If your child is not enrolled in ChurchillCSD and you suspect that your child has a disability, you may request an evaluation for a suspected disability. To request an evaluation for a child suspected of having a disability, please call the Churchill County School District Inclusive Services Administrator at (775) 423-5187, and assistance will be provided relative to scheduling the requested evaluation.
*If your child attends a public charter school (even online) and is school aged, the school that s/he attends is obligated to complete any evaluations that are needed.